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the languishing blog: The Luminous Queston Period Is Open!

Thursday, December 31, 2020

The Luminous Queston Period Is Open!

The Luminous Life is one of languishing indeed: 
you seek answers, you make ends meet, 
you strive to do your best 
and accomplish what you are meant to accomplish
(or are called upon to get done) 
in this life, for this life and the next...
(Yes - there is a next one - ONE!) 
You seek the Light 
while you toil in the darkness. 
If that is not languishing, 
I don't know what it is! 
We'll showcase our heroes in this light, here, 
those who languished, anguished, toiled 
and despaired - before they saw the Light...

Let This Also Be The Luminous Q & A Website Now!

We'll have this be more than just another showcase site or a mere riddle and quiz haven here: just ask away, any question that is bugging you and thy luminous blogger host (and, dare we assume, favorite pundit blogger) will relieve your languishing to the best of his luminous ability! ;)

We'll also answer those puzzling ''whatever happened to'' Qs -sure we will- mainly because we are wondering about those ourselves!

But we will go far deeper into truly introspective questions as well! We will venture into unchartered territory and even ask ourselves the questions that *you* are *afraid* to ask - yes!

Luminous Examples:
Have you ever wondered why they call them Americans, when they really should be called UnitedStatesians or something? I mean, it is not like they own the Americas completely - officially, that is. Canadians and Mexicans are also in North America and then there are all those other South American countries! ALL of them are also *Americans* - DUH!
Now, I may abhor ''la culture'' or the language; as well as the idiosyncrasies and bastard dialects thereof, oftentimes, but at least the French, knowing them so well as they do, refer to them as *ÉTATS-UNIENS* often enough - and it does make complete sense to me! 
USofAians IT IS!!!


Have you ever wondered why people can be so superficial, gossipy or plain condescending (like, say, a certain Bill O' for example) - when, deep down, they are so full of doubts, insecurities, fears and inferiority complexes of every imaginable nature?!? It is obviously because they like to reassure themselves, all be it for a very ephemeral time, at the expense of someone else - anyone else! It makes them feel better about themselves for a fraction of a second - no more, no less!


Have you ever wondered why it is so much harder to shake those cobwebs early in the morning than it is to do so when one is allowed the luxury of faire la grasse matinée - again, as the Frenchies say? Well, the answer is simple. Most of us are naturally attracted to the darkness - that is the sad, basic truth there! We all spent nine months confined to it before making a big splash over nothing-much-really; oh, so you are finally born into this mudball - whoopee-do! "Partying all night, sleeping all day" is, hence, the epitomized notion of liberty for many a stooge out there. We would rather live in the night than bask in the Light - and that is just SAD... but true. Like Metallica.

Have *YOU* got any more questions?

The Question Period Is Thus Open!
Or hold it in for all time to come...!!!


Blogger Luminous (\ô/) Luciano™ said...

Uh, guys?

Same rules as those in 'Jeopardy' here: phrase it like a QUESTION!

Thank you.


6:33 AM  
Blogger Luminous (\ô/) Luciano™ said...

Finally - a QUESTION - e-mailed to Luminous, but still!

M.M. asks: "golly o'mighty, who in blue blazes do you think you are?!?""

I'll answer this one!

I am the thinking man's pundit bandit blogger - make that also the thinking woman's p.b.b. - of course!

I am a reflector of the Light - as surely as the moon reflects the sun, I am a mirror through which a reflection of His Light deflects back here, onto the wondrous wild web!

I am a man, flawed, from the top of my head to the tips of my toes - but unlike other men, I see it, I say it, I searched and I found the Way to better myself - through the All-Mighty!

Need I go on?


1:41 PM  
Blogger Luminous (\ô/) Luciano™ said...

When it rains, it pours - here's another question indeed, e-mailed to me (as long as they're not snail mailed, it's cool!)

G.S. asks: ""why is nothing going like i wanted it to go... pour-quoiiiiii?!?""

Well, G.S. - it's probably because you're such a slimebucket, I tell you!

The things you've done - all guided by your inane uncontrollable AVARICE... you are pathetic, man!

Oh, and another thing...
Don't e-mail me anymore!



1:48 PM  

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