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the languishing blog: Luc B... Luc P... Luc X... Three *VERY* Different Stories!

Monday, June 02, 2008

Luc B... Luc P... Luc X... Three *VERY* Different Stories!

First we have got
(if we go by alphabetical order)
LUC B - as in Bourdon
He played hockey.
He made the mistake
of wanting to ride
a cool motorcycle,
in the off-season -
he crashed and died
within two weeks.
Luc B is dead at 21.

Then we have
Luc P - as in Pimentel
A natural born creative.
He writes and writhes
almost always in pain.
He is sick
and yet he is healthy.
In appearance, maybe - sometimes!
He is not alive nor dying.
Yet he dies a little more
each passing day.
And yet he lives on
while others fall.
I believe that is
TRUE languishing
for you, folks!

Ha -
I've never quite smiled like this,
I think...!
Not since 1980 anyway...
But I'm digressing again.

Let's move on...

Move on from luminescence
on to the pits.

Luc X - as in X-rated.
For violence.
For abomination.
Not for sex -
or not just for it.
Luc X is so known
due to the seriousness
of the accusations
leveled against him.
And of which
he has been found
And that landed him
a sentence of 15 years
in a penitentiary -
a sentence he may not
complete ALIVE
or in one piece...

15 ans pour Luc X (29/05/08)
15 ans pour Luc X (29/05/08)

15 ans pour Luc X (29/05/08)
La Cour suprême a statué sur la sentence de Luc X,
un homme de Montréal
qui avait agressé sexuellement sa fillette de 4 ans.

To each his own, they say?

To each Luc what he deserves
some of you might be tempted to say

To each and every last one of us
what is fated to be ours

And NO -
no two of these Lucs
are one and the same
They are three
As different as, say,
Bïa, Nelly Furtado & São
or any other "triad"
I've ever analyzed here
or ever will.



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