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the languishing blog: January 2007

Friday, January 19, 2007

An "Un-Riddle" now...

São - non! Vitaa - oui, oui, oui!

Now, why is that, do you think?
São (below) has got it all too - but Vitaa is getting a push that São never got and never will now...! It has nothing to do with the quality of the lyrics or the, ah, vitality of the songs either...! But maybe it has to do with other factors...
Vitaa is, what - 25 years-old? 30 maybe? São is past the 40 mark now - plus she is stuck in a niche; the Fado niche! It's an acquired taste, admittedly - easier to acquire if you are predisposed to by having the genes or the cultural background to "get it"...! So, click on Vitaa's pic above - watch her video (if it is still available, that is!) and see for yourselves what she's all about (another Mad-Onna wannabee? A new... uh... Chantal Pary? Who knows? Heck - who cares!)
Then click on São's pic - and good luck to you in finding anything there! *LOL*
(Aye, admittedly, São seems to be a bit of a technophobe - no, not the musical genre! She doesn't promote herself on the web as she should...)

Then haul your a$$es back here and make the damn call:
Vitaa or São - who is vital to your mojo and who is a no-no?

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

NOW surely none of you will want to make anyone languish over THIS DEBATE...!!!

Uh... hello? Anybody there? Anyway...
In a DC Versus Marvel rematch, an irate Wonder Woman (no longer a pacifistic princess - is she) would exact her revenge (from having lost in the previous such event to STORM! As if Halle Berry holds a candle to Lynda Carter's -ah- assets...!) upon poor unsuspecting Elektra - the Greek geek rip-off! Hey - it is actually Greek vs Greek here - and Bostonian vs Bostonian too! Amazons are a Greek myth - whereas the other one's a simulacrum borrowed from classic Greek tragedy (for those not in the know...) PLUS both have Boston ties - Wonder Woman was Boston's champion (The Creeper never really lived up to that role) and Jennifer Whatshername (Garner - I know! Rockford's niece, is she? *lol*) is routinely seen in Boston's hallowed Fenway Park now that she is one half (the sweet tender one) of "Bennifer"...
(I will never go as Conan O'Brien used to go whenever the fact that Rebecca Romijn was married to John Stamos was brought up - usually by O'Brien himself! He'd rant in a creepy artificially enhanced voice his mock disgust at the entire situation - and it seems to have worked like a charm (read: curse) as Romijn and Stamos are divorced now! Conan enjoyed the mock infatuation with Rebecca - I will never bother with Jennifer... Lopez! ;)
But I digress...
All this to say - Wondy lost to Storm in the first DC VS M - in a biased contest whose outcome was decided BY THE FANS (so you know it doesn't count!)
Whereas writers decided the outcome of Elektra (an assassin) versus Catwoman (a thief - versus an assassin. Wow - great match-up guys! Miss Fear, Mademoiselle Marie, Lady Shiva or Cheshire would have been greater competition there... Ironically, kitty kitty is another role "defended" -very poorly- by Halle Berry, of course!!! It's a conspiracy, I tell you - to exasperate the thinking man! But I digress again...)
Elektra, thus, won decisively over the cat burglar...
(Same as Sea King Aquaman who won decisively over Namor, the Sub-Mariner - those two decisions are "cannon" and do count! They were decided on by people in the know...! ;)

Let's give the four-color world's Princess Diana (of Themyscira - not from London!) a chance at redemption before the eyes of her ungrateful fans - by allowing her to bash the brains in of the saphically-inclined Elektra...!
(Amazons are no strangers to sappho, anyway...!!! ;)

My call on this bout:
Diana will make Elektra her bitch!
What's YOUR take on it - folks? ;)

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