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the languishing blog: July 2012

Sunday, July 01, 2012

Happy July 1st - Happy July Morning, EH!

July 1st is Canada Day, eh? 
What else is it all about -
quick, answer me without reading on...!

Well, first and foremost, 
July 1st is 
The First Day Of July! 
The First July Morning! 
The First Day of 
the purported to be 
sunniest day of the year! 

So, forget about Cay-nah-DA
and focus upon 
the day itself 
and the resolution 
based upon the rotation 
of our mudball 
around the Sun:
 languish no more  
and get your LIFE 

For more on July Morning, 
check here.

For more on Uriah Heep, 
check here!


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