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the languishing blog: March 2023

Monday, March 20, 2023


  Foul Mouths and Forked Tongues 

will say otherwise... 

But *I* say these were actually GOOD: 

The cast nailed it 

The script was witty - cohesively setting up the series 

And the special effects were decent  - for a farce 


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The Guidelines To Punishing

Source: Wikipedia 

Everybody knows (well, those who allow their minds 

to be polluted by pop culture and stuff like that!) 

this character called "Punisher" 

(once deemed very "cool" by Marvel Zombies) 

who has been portrayed by three (3) actors already... 

You got it: nothing but a jerk 

Not a "hero" of any kind - much less a superhero 

Not even kosher enough to be a vigilante... 

A worthless character-study of how just about 

any member of the NRA could become 

a perverted gun-toting fool 

in the grand ol' U.S. of A... 

(Kid you not; the only target he will not shoot 

is the dumbass Captain America!!!)  

So, yes... 

You can imagine the level of the insult here 

when a real-life righter of wrongs type 

is nicknamed "Punisher" after him...! 


Truly called "Pedrinho Matador" 
he made it his mission to kill 
*selectively* ~ targeting those 
who deserved it, really! 
By all stretches of the imagination, 
he should have been compared 
a hell of a lot more with 
(and, maybe, Peacemaker now...
The Watchmen' Comedian? 
DC's Vigilante - from the '80s, 
ironically around the time 
Pedro was killing indeed...) 
His assassinations actually inspired 
the creation of Dexter...! 
- having been apprehended, 
sentenced, done time - 
and he had a YouTube channel now 
"Pedrinho EX Matador" 
(no, brainless MCU zombies; 
he was not saying he was an 
X-Man now... no!) 
And here's what it looked like: 

Basically, he had a vlog 
where he attempted to be apologetical 
commenting current stories 
while reminiscing about his day 
affirming, all the while, 
that committing violent acts 
is nothing to be proud of. 
But he had made powerful enemies 
- enemies with connections - 
and no apology would do... 
The assassin was assassinated 
just recently - he was 68... 

...proving reality is always 
more tragic than 
fictional tragedy. 


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Saturday, March 11, 2023


Was this an Atlantean woman living in China...?!?

Beauty of Loulan, China* (Caucasian Mummy in China) Catalyzing Change
"Unearthed lying on her side as though in sleep, a single tuft of red hair falling across her head and ragged moccasins on her feet, the Beauty of Loulan is considered to be one of the best preserved mummies ever found. Roughly 3800-years-old and discovered in the sands of Xinjiang province in western China, her emaciated features betray a facial bone structure that is surprisingly similar to Caucasian looking women.

In the late 1980's, perfectly preserved 3000+-year-old mummies began appearing in a remote Chinese desert. They had long reddish-blond hair, European features and didn't appear to be the ancestors of modern-day Chinese people.

In a find that could turn conventional history on its head, scientists using genetic testing have discovered that Caucasians lived in western China's Tarim Basin a thousand years before East Asians arrived.

A team of American and Chinese researchers working in a laboratory in Sweden used DNA samples to date and profile her mummy, confirming she and other mummies are of Indo-European descent.

It is not only her carbon-dated age that makes her a famous mummy, the Beauty of Loulan has become an icon of the Uyghur people. She is claimed to be their ancestor and has been titled as the mother to their nation; her reconstructed face now adorns many national Uyghur posters.
 — with Legalize FreedomJulius Delator Peralta and Yesika Ceron.
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I dunno... we can languish over "who she was" and "how she got there" but 
really now ~ she looks like Margot Kidder, not Carrie Anne Moss!!!  

...although... I can see it, too..! 


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Saturday, March 04, 2023

Smiling, Thus Far, Eh?


...languish later! 

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