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the languishing blog: August 2014

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Inert Bogus Times...

Will hashtags #WhatHisLastMovie 
and #IfItOnlyHadBeen  
go viral... ever? 

Most likely not.

Will the most active people on social media 
ever make an effort to become more...
articulate?...logical? ...SMART?

Not holding my breath for that.

Does Robin give a damn now, 
where he is?
(Wherever it may come to be - 
what it may come to be - 
or something like that?)

But, really now...

Even my CAT can make more intelligent use 
of social media...
especially when it comes time to 
express bereavement...

It's not about movie lines that he might have delivered, 
worthy of being remembered... 
'lest you forgot''... twits. 

The most important -as most interesting- thing 
to look for at a time like this, 
in the man's body of work, 
has to be any and all signs 
he might have given 
about his predicament... 

The lines chosen by the fans do not even begin 
to deliver, on that all-important front; 
heck, in fact, now as when he was leaving this world, 
those lines do not mean jack squat 
for Robin himself...

The mere fact he chose that role 
in that final finished film at the time of his departure, 
a film bastardized by the American remake process 
but totally fitting ; it is much telling 
about his state of mind,  
about his spirits...

The final role of an actor, as cherished as Robin was,  
will always be remembered as the last message, 
most heartfelt, that he had to deliver to his fans. 
That travesty of a remake
badly written and directed though it was, 
contains vital clues to its star's state of mind 
(confirmed by a candid confession 
concerning depression, made during an interview - 
and still, Robin did not get the help 
he was in dire need of...)

Robin Williams was unique -
a comic with that tragic aura; 
and we find out too late 
that it was no act... 

Aye, we shall never forget.
You got that right, Zulika...


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