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the languishing blog: May 2007

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

There's REAL languishing for you all: DRUNK AND HOMELESS SINCE 1969...

When the question was asked (by some naive simpleton, I am sure...) "Who has the record for being arrested the most times?" - it wasn't Bo who knew (...) it was Yahoo!

As a matter of fact, every imaginable oddball question can most definitely find a satisfying answer on Yahoo's ASK YAHOO section of the web; OR on the ever reliable Yahoo Answers, where just about anybody comes along to brainstorm with you over hot and cold topics - and everything in-between! Within reason...
Who in blue blazes inferred that "Bo knows..." anyway? Bo doesn't know diddley squat! Yahoo knows - ALL!
Or so it would have you believe, I am sure...
But I digress...

The subject of this post today is simply one trivial and outright silly question finding its answer - and then troubling you for an unexpected bonus!

For this man, Henry Earl, has basically been drunk for as long as I have been ALIVE on this Earth...! He has been homeless and arrested by police (that really should have been busier with REAL menaces to society...) with alarming regularity over all of these long years... The usual charge: public disorderly behaviour.

Henry Earl, like virtually everyone else that is found to be "off the track", endeared himself to a select few who have devoted to him a fansite.

Such notoriety has has its plus sides: "public information" will get you probation in many areas (and I do believe it to be the case in Henry's home state of Kentucky! Yay, Kentucky! :)
However, getting intoxicated in public once again and becoming a public nuisance in the process constitutes a violation of said probation (yeah - I love these rules too!) and violating said probation means no bail for you, Jack! (Or Henry, as it is the case here, evidently!)
Henry is already out on bond, see? And getting re-arrested violates both bond and probation (the worst kind of 2 for 1 deal there is - there are worse deals, but in Henry's case, it is the worst it can get!)
Not to worry though, since Henry has been getting the BEST kind of 2 for 1 deals too: local pubs and bars have been giving him "rock star treatment" reportedly since his newfound notoriety for reaching the astronomical total of 937 arrests (at last count) at 57 years of age...
Those figures alone could have earned Earl his cult following; however, it really is his originality that made it for him... Virtually every single mug shot taken of him since 1969 has been an all-new, all-different facial expression - and there have been so many, due to his neverending rap sheet, that it truly is a tapestry through TIME of one man's evolution through years and years of... Well, of alcohol abuse, neglect and inactivity, really. But never mind that: the man is an icon of our times whose life has inspired MANY tributes (and he even has a domain to his name too!)

Henry Earl - who may have, singlehandedly, undone all that Jackie Robinson, Sammy Davis Jr, Sidney Poitier, Nat King Cole, Rosa Parks, MLK, YDK, Pélé, Eusébio, Hank Aaron, Bill Russell, Jim Rice, Muhammad Ali, the REAL James Brown (because Earl's nickname is sometimes "James Brown", yes...) and countless more African-Americans have accomplished since 1969...!

(In the eyes of some white boys, he has...
Denying that this impression of some out there exists would be like denying the fact that racism exists...
I do not share the impression though; nor do I condone the latter.
Actually, Henry Earl is a lot like Clarence from Frank Capra's movie classic It's A Wonderful Life, in my eyes.
He reminds me a lot, also, of that hobo whose name many have forgotten - but here is his name: August Felix. His august person -this said without the slightest hint of sarcasm- who was mistreated to death by some jerks that should have either passed him by and left him alone or given him some loose change. Loose change the punks will not need where they are now - IN JAIL.
I hope the next 100 times Henry gets arrested -for the record 1000 and more- the inept law officers who weren't there to protect the hobo, August Felix, will be lucid enough NOT to lock up Henry with anyone like those jerks...
And may the pubs and bars continue to give Henry Earl the "rock star treatment" too.)


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