Each post on this blog will be a riddle that you will have to guess the solution to - or die trying! Frustration and anxiety assured - or YOU pay me my ISP costs back! ;) Bwah-ha-ha! What a scheme! It's perfect!!!
Saturday, March 29, 2008
Just A Little Hope - It Is All Many Of Us Can Hope For, Indeed...
Le gouvernement colombien se dit prêt à libérer des prisonniers des FARC si la guérilla libère l'otage Ingrid Betancourt détenue depuis 2002. Le procureur général précise toutefois que tous les otages des FARC doivent être libérés.(moins)
She has been abducted an eternity ago, it seems And LORD KNOWS how she's been treated, under captivity...
A true lady, the closest one can think of to modern sainthood, (an altruistic lady who is so devoted to her cause - she gives it her all. Even to the point of sacrificing her freedom and health. Come on people - there is nothing closer to saintliness than THIS!)
And what is her reward...? I must rephrase it though: what is her IMMEDIATE reward Well, it is this: abduction and captivity With a promise of being set free, eventually soon even, perhaps... But her true reward is in the future and it will be beyond any earthly value
The seemingly never-ending languishing will have been -here, at least- very worth it.
Let us languish over this one, folks: can violence truly be extirpated from an intrinsically violent sport, usually coached and administered by frustrated little tyrants who find in the exercise their only foray to let out the anguish - and we do mean aaaaaaall of the anguish...?
Can violence be banned from a sport where it is inculcated into young impressionable minds that the law of the jungle rules - even on ice?
Can violence be stripped from a neanderthal tradition?!?
That is the challenge the lady of Laval set before herself - as if she had not enough causes and concerns to take care of during the course of her many functions on a daily basis...!
Yes, we are talking about the lady politician that speaks French as it is MEANT to be spoken: Michèle Courchesne - a fave (I voted for her!)
Triple Threat Courchesne - aka la Belle Michèle - is at it yet again! She never rests, one could imagine... How could she? She does have three very much visible fields of social impact to govern - all with the lazy blessing of her Prime Minister, Jean Charest, who's only too happy to delegate... But that is another story...
She calls for strong dissuasive measures for anyone -coaches, players, ah, groupies and roadies- who engages in violence "in the arena, out of the arena, in the rink, out of the rink, on the ice, off the ice, during a sporting activity, around a sporting activity..." (YOU GET THE IDEA...!!!) No more challenging the entire visiting team's bench if you lost 10-1, Jonathan Roy! You want a punching bag? Find one in daddy-o's basement! He must still have a bunch of them left, signed by Mario Tremblay and Ronald Corey...
It is ironic though that it comes to this; as la belle Michèle's own son, Jean-Michel (wow - the name rhymes with mommy's!) could have been a teammate of Violent Jonathan Roy, coached by Virulent Patrick Roy and beaten up by the rest of the QMJHL players (everybody hates the Roys!) since Jean-Michel did play hockey at that level, and he did so for the very same team that caused this entire uproar against unnecessary roughness on the ice with their latest outrageous Hanson Brothers-like antics: the Quebec Remparts! (Okay - the team's name is atrocious in English! Historically-sound (although these remparts alluded to here were never that high nor half as impenetrable as their European inspirations...!) but that's not enough to make it a good hockey team's moniker! Not even close! But I am digressing - again.)
It surprises me not that this dame is against barbaric, degrading, senseless acts of violence - again, it only surprises me that she found the time to tackle that "dossier" too!
Truth be told, La Belle Courchesne routinely manages to find the time to get busy with her TWO OTHER "portefeuilles" - as she is also the MINISTRE DES LOISIRS and MINISTRE DE L'ÉDUCATION (now that is important: education! The elegant dame did not get to cumulate the functions in a minority government short on resources without getting top-notch education to go with her natural-born elegance - you know!) She made such grand plans for daycare centers all over her province - GRANDIOSE, I should say, just so recently (even Jean Charest was present for the announcement, in Michèle Courchesne's own circonscription too!) And then she took care of the greedy curators and inane administrators of the poor men's Harvards - Quebec universities, of course! Those bozos will no longer be allowed to sneak in extra fees and increases here and there, on the poor unsuspecting dullard of a clueless Quebecker student! As she puts it herself in the report linked below, "it is inadmissible for these institutions to make their customers pay extra in order to palliate to what the institutions feel is a lack in the financing of their operations. As a customer, one cannot oblige that attitude." I paraphrased while translating, yes! ;) Don't sue me, Michèle! (After all, your favorite journalists routinely misquote you, them too!)
Ahh - a woman like this sure GETS THINGS DONE! Just like whatshername on SNL... ah yes, Tina Fey! And her acolyte from Boston there... Amy Poehler! And, I suppose, the one they both endorsed so, ah, enthusiastically, recently enough- Hillary Rodham Clinton! (I'm sure Geraldine Ferraro wasn't included by automatism either...) But let's not go THERE right now...
Michèle is really, rrrrrrreally hard to find, online
-she certainly isn't found on YouTube, that's for sure-
Born in the Age of Aquarius, destined to seek out truths in many an art form, trained as a historian and a journalist but truly a prose-lover... Luciano is out to dispel any clichés and reinvent them all both to the tune of a little something called the truth as also to his own image - and being old-fashioned, he does not mind that distinction one infinitesimal tiny bit at all...! "There are two ways to spread the light; be the candle... or the mirror that reflects It." I have chosen to be the latter... okay? ~*~
"To be not only a seeker of light... but a dream weaver of light" ~*~ For as surely as the moon reflects the light from the sun, you and I can reflect the Light from Above - and be, indeed, the light of this world! ~*~*~*~ NOTE: THERE ARE COOKIES ~ from at least three parties~ ON ALL OF MY BLOGS! ~*~ accept it!
Blufr - another widget AWOL...
Maybe blufr bluffed us into believing that it... existed?
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