Series Review - the proper way!

The perseverent Zdeno Chara said it well: "the series could have gone either way"
The admirable Tim Thomas said it best: "we gave it our all - unfortunately, it didn't turn our way in the very end..."
In the light of the sad events of last night
(the Boston Bruins beating the Montreal Canadiens goalie, but hitting the post - then the latter team getting a fluke goal to score the all-important first goal; then getting lucky bounces at the end of both the second and third periods to not only steal the game but the series too, all the while making it look "easy" that night, to all the morons who looked only at the scoreboard and took it strictly at face value... You thought I was deeming the silly rioting, vandalizing of police cars and store windows and all the bad reputation the city of Montreal will garner out of it "sad events"...? Hell no - THAT was what Montreal really deserved!)
In the light of the *true* sad events, thus,
and all the languishing that those fans who BELIEVED the comeback could be fully achieved - and history made in completeness as well - by the resilient Boston Bruins.
I'd suggest to those who languished and perceive their prayers not to have been answered to look back into the Good Book...
And remember that "NHL hockey" does not belong in said Good Book - for it doesn't mean a thing, really...!
On this "Earth Day" I suggest here to focus on those; and they are not even necessarily "eco-friendly" things either...!
Try "spiritual-friendly" instead!

If there is a poor man among your brothers in any of the towns of the land that the LORD your God is giving you, do not be hardhearted or tightfisted toward your poor brother. Rather be openhanded and freely lend him whatever he needs.
(Deuteronomy 15:7-8)