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the languishing blog: December 2010

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Merry Christmas - From Boston's Bien-Aimée!

Aww.. Aimee! 
Why have you not enjoyed greater success - 
either with your band, `Til Tuesday 
or as a solo artist now... hmm? 
We will languish over that sadness 
for all time to come... indeed.

A true original, Aimée Mann's rendition of God Rest You Merry, Gentlemen is truly unique - and, unlike others who sing it, she actually puts the emphasis on key words such as SAVIOUR and SAVE US FROM SATAN. And for that, we can only be grateful - while we languish in our daily purgatory, that is!


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Wednesday, December 22, 2010

*Sigh* - Here's Andy... Again.

Can't stand the WAIT...
Can't stand for the Santa nonsense 
to pass, roll over and DIE already...

Neither can most of us, 
quite frankly...
But fear not, folks - 
the end of consumerism 
Christ-less christmas 
is at hand!

Until The Day...


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