Waiting For Judgment Day
TIME has chimed in, time and again (you saw that coming), about various hot topics of the day over, ah, time yes...
Thus it comes as no surprise they would investigate IN THIS AREA NOW that the possibility of a JUDGMENT DAY was in the air once again - and investigate about the validity of religious topics, nothing less!
TIME found five - GIVE ME FIVE - subjects that are, as they chose to phrase it themselves, "worth your time"... Worthier than the prospect of a Judgment Day, that is implied with strength here, yes! Heathen one-timers...!
Still, there are interesting topics there: from Apple devotion to Hawking denial, from Floridian Christians praying for Bin Laden's soul to a state ban on circumcision affecting Jews and Muslims (and Gentiles too) in SAN FRANCISCO of all places... And the ever-popular topic of Vatican enforcement of the "crackdown" on molesters among their clerics; with way too much leniency though, as the bishops ordered to enforce the rules are not even required nor officially mandated to castigate or even denounce offenders under their "guidance"...! It is all concrete signs that the end is nigh, I tell you - but the TIME NEWSFEED (of "all that's viral and vital" in real life as on the net - in real time too!) would disagree with me on that last bit, I am certain of it...
Still... They would concur that time is short (on ideas - but that is another story!) so go right ahead and just click on that hyperlink right now - while there's still TIME...!