What Have We Learned In 100 Years?
All these significant anniversaries, this year
(as analyzed - on other blogs!)
and the question begs to be asked -
what has anybody learned
from all of those things - HUH?!?
Each post on this blog will be a riddle that you will have to guess the solution to - or die trying! Frustration and anxiety assured - or YOU pay me my ISP costs back! ;) Bwah-ha-ha! What a scheme! It's perfect!!!
All these significant anniversaries, this year
(as analyzed - on other blogs!)
and the question begs to be asked -
what has anybody learned
from all of those things - HUH?!?
For I can hear the critics - and they are LEGIONS - saying "sure, we have learned, we have EVOLVED, we have made progress in between 1917 and 2017 - COME ON!!! We have bettered society, every facet of life and technology in various areas as well as scientific progress overall BY LEAPS AND BOUNDS...!!!"